Courtenay City Hall – Sept 6 @ 4pm
The general subject will be for Council to make improvements to Cycling and Pedestrian infrastructure a higher priority. We will specifically ask to have a Pedestrian/Cycling Bridge built over the Courtenay River in the Summer of 2012.
The bridge, located between the foot of 6th Street (near Central Builders) and Simms Park, will become the hub of an extensive Cycling Network covering the whole Comox Valley. One of the next steps, after this bridge is in place, will be to have a cycling path around the Slough, over highway 19A and behind Superstore to Back Road and Ryan Road.
It would be of great help to the cause to have as many people as possible at this meeting to show members of council that many people in the Valley are supporting investment into cycling and walking to reduce the number of cars on our roads. With an election coming up this Fall, politicians are more likely to vote for something that might get them re-elected.
Please, try to make it to this important meeting and promote it with your family, friends, colleges, etc.
Hope to see you on Tuesday, September 6, 4:00 PM in Courtenay City Hall. You do not have to be a resident of Courtenay to attend, as transportation is (or, at least should be) a regional issue.
Email [email protected] if you have any questions or need more information.
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