February 9, 3:00 PM, Comox Council Chambers – Comox Valley Cycling Task Force meeting
There will be a report by the CV Cycling Public Advisory Committee given to the Task Force and some very important issues will be discussed at this meeting. As in the past it will be important to have a good turn out of coalition members attending this meeting. As you may know, the Cycling Task Force will meet only four times a year from now on, so the opportunities to communicate with them face to face are few and far between. Hope to see many of you there.
February 11, 7:00 PM, Florence Filberg Centre, Courtenay – CV Cycling Coalition Annual General Meeting
Yes, our coalition is one year old.
We have accomplished a fair amount already, but the real work is still ahead of us. We will be discussing how to structure our coalition to spread the work load and get more members involved in decision making. We will elect officers and discuss where we want to go in the future. There will be a couple of brief presentations and refreshments will be available.
The agenda for the meeting is attached.
February 16, 4:00 PM, Regional District Meeting Room – Presentation by CV Cycling Coalition and Cycling Public Advisory Committee to the Committee of the Whole of the Reg. District.
As you probably know the Committee of the Whole consists of the mayors of Courtenay and Comox and some of the councillors of Courtenay, Comox and Cumberland as well as the three directors of the Regional District. The focus of the presentation will be to convince our local politicians that it is time to make cycling a higher priority and start investing some real money in cycling infrastructure so more people will be encouraged to chose the bicycle for transportation. This is probably the most important event for our coalition so far. A good turn out of cyclists will show that there is wide spread support for cleaner and healthier transportation within the Comox Valley.
Please try to attend and bring some friends with you.
Membership renewal
It is also time to renew coalition memberships. Application forms are now posted on our website and available at all the local bike shops. I am also attaching a form to this email. Filled out forms with payment can be mailed to the address printed on the form. They can also be left at any of the local bike shops or at the AGM on Thursday. I hope you will find it worthwhile to continue your membership and encourage some of your friends to join us as well. The more members we have the more our voice will be heard.
Thank you and hope to see at these events.
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