From Frank Holatko:
Dear Comox Valley Cycling Coalition members,
A reminder that Sunday, September 13 is the Century Ride, a major fund raising event for Y.A.N.A.
The event is organized by Blacks Cycle with the support of Comox Valley Cycle Club members. The ride is organized such that all levels and cycling abilities are able to participate.
All that is needed is to pick up a registration and pledge sheets at Blacks Cycle and start collecting pledges to complete one of 3 levels of cycling participation or download the forms from the Y.A.N.A. Century Ride website
Level 1 Complete all 3 designated road loops for a total of 100 miles. (160km)
Level 2 Complete 1 or 2 of the designated road loops…
Loop 1 (red) 59km
Loop 2 (Orange) 45km
Loop 3 (Green) 58km
Level 3 Family/Kids Loop 5.8km
Maps of the loops can be seen at
All the loops start and finish at Blacks Cycle where food, water, juice, technical and moral support is available.
A BBQ will also take place at the completion of the event.
There is no registration fee but I urge you to remember that this is a fund raiser for Y.A.N.A.* and it should be everyone’s goal to raise as much as possible.
May I suggest setting $100:00 as a goal to reach or beat?
Last year 120 cyclists participated in the Century Ride and raised $22,000.
This year the Century Ride’s goal is $30,000.
So keep riding, stay fit, collect pledges and come out and support Y.A.N.A.’s Century Ride.
*Y.A.N.A. You Are Not Alone is a non profit society in the Comox Valley that provides financial support for families faced with a medical crisis involving children.
Frank Holatko
Comox Valley Cycle Club
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