From Ed Schum:
All cyclists are invited to ride with us in the Comox Nautical Days Parade on Monday August 3rd from 10am.
The objective of this ride is to raise awareness of what cycling can do to keep our communities more liveable; and that more safe cycling routes in our valley will encourage more people to ride their bikes, which will help to make our population healthier and our air cleaner.
If you believe in any of this and own a bicycle and a helmet, join us for this ride. The more people we have in this parade, the stronger the message will be that many people in our valley are in favour of investment into cleaner and healthier transportation.
People in electric (or manual) wheelchairs are also welcome, as they are the ones who need safer and more convenient routes more than anyone.
If you feel like decorating your bike and/or wearing some kind of costume, that would brighten things up, but it is optional.
You can also make up signs like “cycle for cleaner air” “cycling for the fun of it”, “we need safer routes for cycling”, “we need safe routes to schools”, or whatever slogan you come up with, this is also optional.
The most important thing is that you come out and join the parade. it would be great if you could pass this message on to your friends, neighbours, colleagues, etc. and encourage them to come out as well.
We also like to see as many children in the ride as possible, including those pulled in carriages.
Bikes must be in safe working order and approved cycling helmets must be worn.
The marshalling area for the parade is on Gladstone (below Comox Elementary School – a few blocks up Rodello Street from Comox Avenue)
Meeting time is Monday, August 3rd at 10am, the parade starts at 10:30am and should be over in less than an hour.
Hope to see many of you there.
email Ed if you have any questions.
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