The major event of this month, or perhaps the year will definitely be ‘CAR FREE in the Comox Valley’, an Open House get together organised by the Courtenay Rec Centre. It will be held on February 26, 7:00 PM in the large hall of the Florence Filberg Centre.
Our group as well as Active Comox Valley, Comox Valley Transit and the Comox Valley Cycling Task Force have been invited to do a presentation and set up an information table at this event. This is a great opportunity for us to spread the word of what we are all about and recruit new members.
This is THE MEETING I would like to see all our members as well as everyone in the Valley who is in favour of cleaner transportation to attend as it could be seen as a mini referendum on this issue. Please mark the date on your calendar and encourage several more people to attend.
As a special incentive there will be free snacks and refreshments.
Enter your name and email to be added.